Thursday, October 29, 2015


I'm tired of living guarded
I'm tired of living in discomfort
I want to be free in you Jesus, just free, free to be me
I won't be restricted, shielded, and covered anymore. In pain, tears, layers of clothes or behind closed doors.
I will not live my life short lived and in restraints.
I will not be afraid to fail and I will not be afraid to fall.  
As a matter of fact, can I be perfectly honest? There was a time in my life not very long ago that I was more afraid of being free and not being the real me than anything.
It was conditioned in my mind to be more accepting of the failures and to be afraid of success….why? Because I never knew what it looked like for me; but of course, for everyone else. It’s deep.
Oh but, God.
To be skinny (healthy), to be the woman of God you have chosen me to be, to be a man of God’s wife, to be open, to be vulnerable, to be the real me, and to gain the V-I-C-T-O-R-Y, VICTORY.
As of months ago, I choose to not be afraid of anything anymore. To stand, to believe in me, to surrender, and to control me to be whom I’ve always wanted to be. Free…..just free
I will not be afraid of love, to love, it’s not easy but I’m learning because Jesus is a good teacher.
I will not guard my heart, but will let the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, He will guard (my) your hearts and (my) your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:7.
I’ll be mindful, wise, and discerning but the walls have been torn down.
I will not be afraid to live, love, hope, care, because the real one and true things are out there for me and for you.
Hold on and hold out it’ll come to you. You’ll magnetize what’s on the inside of you.
I will not be afraid God, I will be free. It’s your word and I’m standing on it. Flatfooted.
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36
 Happy reading, be blessed, and please share. I love you all!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


I was in prayer the other morning and the Lord showed me this picture and the word BUNKER in a vision. I didn't know what either one of them were but I kept on praying and talking to God and allowing the Holy Spirit to rise up and take over like it does a lot of times. This was one of these mornings where the Holy Spirit was speaking very early in the prayer and I was listening and looking intensely. Many of you who are intercessors/ warriors know what I'm talking about. 

The Holy Spirit was speaking and showing me that God was fighting the battle for me, I was getting my splendor back that was lost, the war is over, I have the victory, I can stake my claim, God did it, He is my Jehovah Nissi, He lifted up a banner for me, He fought for me, He gave me my victory, the angels of my army of men, my many soldiers are fighting for me, they're walking with white flags, it's surrendering time, the fight is over, all the time I'm still seeing this vision and the word BUNKER
He's also showing me being on the inside of this BUNKER in a fetal position. 

The Holy Ghost is praying and saying 
He has been my barrier,
He's been my shield, my rock, my salvation, my refuge, my coverer, my hiding place, my dark place, my shadow, that I stay close too and behind, my little place and BIG place, my cave to crawl into, my nook and cranny. 
He's hidden me from seen and unseen things --things that I know of and things that I didn't know
He covered me in and from my mess; like a thick blanket; no, no more like a tight tent, so that absolutely nothing NOTHING could get in or out. He's KEPT me.

Guess what? He Saran wrapped me so that I would stay fresh. 

My God Jesus, and that's when it hit me, that's when the Holy Spirit said and revealed I'm your BUNKER He said go, go look it up

BUNKER -- is a defensive military fortification designed to protect people or valued materials from falling bombs or other attacks -- it may also serve the purpose of a safe room 

So, not only is God all these things but guess what He's also MY BUNKER

Yes, He is designed to protect me (Deidre), His valued one (daughter) from attacks, all attacks, schemes, scams, assignments, and bombs and things that the enemy is going to try and throw at me. 

He also serves the purpose of a (safe room) hiding place for me. 

That's why He had me envisioning myself inside the BUNKER in a fetal position as a child in a safe place; a child with her Daddy in a safe place, feeling free and protected. 

Ladies, I pray that this blessed you all because it's not just me; this is for us all. He is your BUNKER.

He's your safe place, protection, provider, healer, destroyer, deliverer, healer, redeemer, and lover of your soul, the one who saved you, and keeps His covenant with you. He wants you to be in this BUNKER too. He is fighting the battle for you and you're getting back everything that the enemy has stolen from you too; please ladies receive it all. 

I love you all so much, and know that you too have a BUNKER; your BUNKER in God. 

Be blessed, thanks for reading and please share!

Happy New Year, Happy New Me Happy New You and Happy New Year to Come Too!!

A few months ago I had a birthday, July 28th to be exact. I know right, you all are probably wondering why is she writing about it now? The Lord gave this release to me back then but now it’s His time to release it. 

I first have to say thank you God for allowing me to see another year; because so many didn’t.
Thank you God for this year that you have given me because it has been the very best year yet. It has been hard and challenging, yes, but God I have learned some things about myself in you.
I can make it IN you, and WITH you.
I thought that my golden birthday when I turned 28 couldn’t be topped as the best birthday ever but this birthday was the best. It really was.
Some of you might be wondering what a golden birthday is.
A golden birthday is a person's birthday when they turn the age of their birth date.
It was my golden birthday when I turned 28 on the 28th, it was a birthday to remember; tuh, it was also the year before the Lord snatched me out of the enemies hand. Hallelujah.
But this birthday, number 44 truly trumped that one and all the rest. Everyone that asked and inquired about my day was given the same answer it’s the best birthday ever and when they said why? I was like I don’t know but it’s just something about this birthday it’s just different!
It definitely started out different than any other birthday I’d ever had.
It was a 4am prayer Tuesday morning. The one where the move of the Holy Spirit said whooshhhhh like the Nike symbol and Pastor Hannah had them to play I Don’t Mind Waiting On the Lord over and over and over and over again and worship was just off the mountaintop….do you all remember that New Life members? Ohhhh glory to God.  
We left up out of the building like wait? What just happened? I left up out of the building like thank you God, happy birthday to me! J
So, moving along to the work place and the explosion of the birthday fairy throwing up all over my desk with all the decorations (yes, I love decorations)!!! And just throughout the day the surprises, the cards, well wishes, shout outs, love being sent, emails, texts, calls, and everything towards me. It just kept growing and getting better, and getting greater throughout the day; I was so happy and elated of God’s love being shown to me through all His people in so many different ways throughout His day that He had made for me.
Sometimes I have to admit; as much as I love my birthday (like really, really, love my birthday and celebrate it the whole month) this one was so overwhelming at times that I had to walk away, go to the bathroom and give my God some mighty praises for His goodness, mercy and favor that He was showering down upon me.
Because and this is a transparent moment here, just a year ago I was in a totally different place and space and I know that He heard my cries, He bottled up those tears and He answered the cries of His daughter and brought me to this place in Him. So I thank God.
On another note ladies, I was like wow, God, I’m 44. Wow, I’m 44. Yes, God. 44. I am 44. Thank you God, I’m 44. I’m excited about the year of 44. For everyone that knows me you know I’m like Rain Man and I love numbers and really should have been an accountant or worked at a bank but anyway, I looked up on Google what the number 44 meant in biblical and scriptural terms and it took me to many things of course but the Holy Spirit lead me to the best answer of them all.
Isaiah 44:1-2 (CEV)
The Lord’s Promise to Israel (Deidre)
44 People of Israel,
I have chosen you
    as my servant.
I am your Creator.
You were in my care
    even before you were born.
Deidre, don’t be terrified!
You are my chosen servant,
    my very favorite.
Yea, see here’s the thing, it’s personal, and it’s really my prayer and my promise, to me Deidre, because it’s my birthday and I’m 44!
So see to answer the question of why was this birthday so different for me or maybe it was a different birthday for you too, I don’t know, this is why, it was the best; it was created to be even before I was born.
This is why it kept getting better and better, because that’s how our God is, He keeps getter better and better with His chosen ones. I AM CHOSEN!!!!!! I AM HIS FAVORITE!!!!
That’s it, I’m done.
Be Blessed, happy reading, please share.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Worlds BUNKER|money|headline|story|&par=msn

Remember last months Bunker release? How God is our BUNKER, how He covers us, protects us, from all?
I found this article today and of course the title of the article is what stopped me dead in my tracks. It's an interesting read to say the least. 

What I thought was more interesting is how the world looks at THEIR BUNKER, this is how the world perceives their BUNKER to be. All the riches, monies, fame, and everything that their money can buy, it's a waiting list to be a part of this place and to buy into this place; but it's free to get into the Kingdom of Heaven and free to be SAVED. My God.  

Yes, it may look totally different than OUR God BUNKER  but it's no where near as safe, long-suffering and everlasting. One mighty strong storm or gust of wind and that thing will be blown away.
The bible says that in Mark 10:25
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

We have to be careful with the images, thoughts and ideals of the riches of  this world and how we perceive them to be everything because it is not. Yes we may struggle sometimes but God has got us!!!!

God will give us life and He will give it to us more abundantly than any amount of money can. Scriptures tells us in
1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

2 Timothy 3:2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy

Luke 16:13 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have

Thank you for reading, continue to have an amazing day ladies, love you all!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Battle After War Room

Hey Ladies, 
I know by now the majority of you all have seen the movie War Room. If not I would highly recommend it. It is a great movie. 
It will and should increase your prayer life. Period. You should desire to dwell deeper in your word and want to seek God's face, grace, and mercy.   
I did. 

One of my favorite parts of the movie was when the husband cried out to God. 
Yes Lord, nothing like seeing a man crying out to God. In praise, worship, distress, just crying out. It was just moving to me.

So needless to say I expressed that and my review of the movie on Facebook. I received some likes and a few comments but it was the private message that came in my inbox that made me say now what now....
Mind you I wasn't initially thrown off by the messenger because this was a person that I've communicated with before but my spirit wasn't settled this time.

Him: hey why didn't you invite me? I wanted to see the movie too, blah blah blah, how about we go see that other movie, The Perfect Guy? 
Me:  oh ok let me know when, blah blah blah then the conversation takes a turn
Him: I heard it was kind of scary so we're going to need to sit close
Me: I kind of laugh it off and say no I didn't hear it was scary but a little crazy like, but the whole time, I'm feeling uncomfortable, then he keeps pushing the envelope 
Him: yea it's scary so scary that we might have to get so close that we might have to kiss....

Wow, ok ok here we go, really? Bruh it's time for me to go and you too I'm done with this conversation and any others. I wouldn't and couldn't entertain this foolishness any longer,   
Me: I said good night and that I'm done.  Still love you though. 
Him: Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
Me: No, no, you're not.
Him: Yea you're right. Love you too. Stay on the wall. And not close to me.
Me: I will....stay on the wall....close to it too.

I went to sleep but it took some time but I thought what was that? Did I do something to open that door up? What’s on me God? On the inside of me Jesus? I woke up with that too.
It wasn't until the next morning in deep pray that the following revelations came to me:

God allowed the enemy to use who used to be my so called friend but now an associate to show his true colors. 
Stop thinking that something is wrong with you because it's not.
This is growth for you; you might not be where you want to be but you're surely not where you use to be. Hallelujah!!!! 

                                                         AND TO SHOW ME
That I'm right where I'm supposed to be in the right position standing on the wall, and nothing or no-one can get me off the wall...and it's time to dig in deeper.

People are watching you, some you know, some you don't...stay there!!! Don't you move.
People are going to test you, so called friends, family, acquaintances, don't  you fail, and don't you fall, and even if you do, God's got you, He'll pick you up, but you will not fail.

See ladies here's the thing even when the devil is using someone he still has sense enough to know God's anointed ones. He tried me but he failed. Thank you God for being with me. 

Another great thing, God also told me that I had to have my real brother in Christ to cover me and pray for me because it's real out here and there are wolves in plain face and in sheep clothing that are coming.
They're coming out strong and mighty; and who better to have cover me than a Godly man that knows how to pray against things of a man. 

My God, I thank you! 
The battle began after seeing the movie War Room. It did, I can't lie, it was a phenomenal movie, yes, and I learned a lot. I used to have post its of scriptures all on my bedroom walls before I moved into my new place I did and now I have the one on my bathroom wall but it was the one that the Lord told me to bring out, put on the wall, this very same morning in prayer so that's the one that's there for now but trust me I have more. 

The battle began after I posted on Facebook about men crying out to God. 
The enemy sent that very thing that I praised and gave glory to the Lord about to try and distract me and throw me off but God....stupid devil-- God still got the victory in the movie and in my life. 

#He always wins!!

My God Ladies don't entertain the foolishness that's crouching at your door, that's coming, that's near, and what you have already let in, put them out,( it's not too late) you have the strength and the courage to do it in God. He wants you to stay on the wall and fight for Him; be a soldier for the Lord ladies.

I love you all.
Be blessed, happy reading, please share.