Thursday, January 12, 2017

My Good Shepherd

My Good Shepherd, My Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepherd

He knows what I want –I will not be in want and with what I need.

Jesus, I know you as my Good Shepherd, my Good, Good Shepherd. 

If you did it before I had to trust and believe that you were going to do it again. You made a way.
I had to lie down and be quiet in my soul and listen for you in the still waters and green pastures.

Your sheep know your voice. 

Even when I was running with the enemy in the valley of the shadow of death

Oh Good Father you still guided me in the path of righteousness for Your namesake.
To still bring honor to your name- you brought me out.

You not only prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You gave me reserved seating, a VIP place card, and put me on the top of the guest list. 

You kept a covenant promise with a great- great –great-grand of mine from generations a go to come and get me, to save my soul, and anoint my head with oil, and overflow my cup daily.

So that now in 2017, the year of Enter In goodness and love are following me with the oil all the days of my life and I’m dwelling in the house of God forever.