Friday, July 24, 2015

Hashtag Jesus
It’s been a long time ago but when I first started seeing this sign # in front of words I didn’t understand what I was reading or what was happening.

It wasn’t until I asked someone or I heard someone say it was a hashtag sign. I was like hashtag? No that’s not. That’s the pound sign. Ok, so what; yes, I did, I just showed my age. 

But seriously, hashtag huh? So, I googled hashtag and this is what I found out. 

Hashtag- is understandably popular on social media because it helps use search functions better, the real reason to use it is to give strong emphasis to a statement.

Yes it is very popular on social media, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. That’s all you see is #this, #that, and I have seen it in people texts to one another too. They really want to get their point across and their feelings out about something.

Once I finally understood the last part of that definition that it gives a strong emphasis to a statement I was ####### all over the place myself. 

So then I started thinking about Jesus and how we should hashtag about Him all over the place too.
We should begin to hashtag and emphasize in our statements how strong He is to us and how strong He can be to others that don’t know about Him and His greatness, His power, and His might. He’s a #GREATGOD! 

Better yet, what hashtag would you use to get people to follow about Jesus? Here’s a few from me. 
#John3:16                                                                                                        #NoFear
#He’sAHealer                                                                                                      #Discipleship
#God#Son#HolyGhost                                                                                           #Covenant
#Trinity                                                                                                           #Grateful
#Thankful                                                                                                    #Isaiah41:10
Be blessed, happy reading, and please share!

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