Friday, May 1, 2015

I Have Sisters!!!$_35.JPG

God is so strategic. He really is, last week I realized that God was my Daddy. I mean I knew that He was, we call Him Abba Father, and we say that we are His daughters but it was something about last week that hit me to know that the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost is my Daddy. That term of endearment, My Daddy. It was ordained. I get it. The aha moment came when it was supposed to come. 
Then comes Sunday when I posted this picture and name of the book above You Are a Daughter of the King Embrace Who God Created You to Be by Gail M Hayes given to me by a divine connection. 

Amazing, a blessing, a phenomenal read. 

Again, it was strategic and ordained by God because that night and the two nights that followed I discovered that yes, God really is my Daddy, I'm created in the image that He planned for me, and I have sisters.
You know how we have DNA and genetic makeup from our families? How we have blue eyes from your dad's side of the family, or red hair from great-grandma on your momma's side? How our lips are big, small, how some of us are short, tall, and how we have different personalities, just everything? 

This book tells us about our GOD makeup, it explains our very own uniqueness in Him. Your very own style, your walk, talk and personality in Him, from Him. We are all so very different and He wants you to know who you are and who’s you belong too. All HIM.

You are a child of the King, you have authority and power and you are an heir to the throne. His throne.

In the beginning of the book, there is a short quiz called the Image Indicator. Its 12 questions that put you in one or maybe several images. There are six of them and I have the Jaunty Esprit image. 

Jaunty- means nonchalant or relaxed, and without a great deal of fuss.
Esprit- is a cleverness and freedom of mind and spirit. 
The Jaunty Esprit is a peacemaker and defender of justice.

God’s a peacemaker and defender of justice…yes, He is.

I promise you I could have thrown this book across the room then and 50 more times while reading it.  It's so very true, real, and exact; but then again why wouldn't it be it's the image that God has given me and made me in. His image and He knows what He created. I just had to figure it out.

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 

The book talks about your style in every aspect. It told me about my Jaunty Esprit as a woman, wife, mother, daughter, my family life, working style, and my inner and outer style, the reason behind my clothing choices, color schemes, jewelry, hair and makeup too. There’s even a special note for mothers that might have daughters.
This was incredible to know but what I also learned during reading this book was the best. I have sisters that have the same Jaunty Esprit image as I do. 

Sisters in God, like no for real for real, the ones that have the same blood, GOD, feelings and thoughts. No we’re not exactly alike or twins but God is our Daddy and He made us. 

My sisters are Abigail, she was a peacemaker, and an honorable and wise wife (1Samuel 25),
Deborah, was a judge, she was fair and honest in her judgement (Judges 4 and 5), and
Martha, a woman of great faith, she was prepared to take action for her brother Lazarus (Luke 10).

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, this book blessed me and I promise you has changed my life and perspective of myself. I have a Daddy and I have sisters too; mighty women of God who loved the Lord and He loved them too, so much He created them in His image, and they walked in it. I will too. When you know better you do better…

Ladies please really think about getting this book it will bless you, open doors, and answer so many questions about why you think, act, say, dress, and do the many things that you do. 

Plus, let’s find out who else you’re related too. Find out who your sisters are in God and how you can emulate them from top to bottom, and from the inside out; and then let’s share with our other sisters here in our lives now so that we can all know and be better together. 

Thank you all for reading, please share, be blessed AND*****GET THE BOOK******

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