Many are called but few are Chosen.
So many don’t answer the call to even know they’re being Chosen.
How do you know you are Chosen?
Chosen to come Higher, closer, deeper into a relationship.
Chosen to come be with Him. He said Follow Him.
To be His Daughter, God’s special possession, that you may
declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful
Chosen to be better, greater, and stronger in Him.
Chosen to sit at the table with Him that He’s prepared for
you in the presence of your enemies. He did not forget His covenant promise.
He Chose you before the foundation of the earth was laid and
He knew you before you were even formed in your mother’s womb.
His right hand picked you and stepped over some many others
laying in the murky clay to clean you up and blow the Holy Spirit into your nostrils
so that you can now Go and spread the good news about who He is and what He has
Yes, you….You Are Chosen!
There is a lot that goes along with being Chosen to be with
the King God Almighty but THERE ARE riches, and glory and honor and eternal
But most of all you get to hear your Father say ‘Well
done, good and faithful servant!
Because you were Chosen.