A few months ago I went on vacation to New York. One of the things that I really wanted to do was get on the train. I've always heard about it, seen it on TV, and in the movies so I wanted to experience it for myself.

We needed to go Uptown I believe I can't remember at this exact moment but all I know is that we needed a MetroCard, to get on the train- to have access, (yep, you can easily access sin too) we went through the turnstile and had to find our way to the D train, the right D train going Uptown because if not it could take us Downtown and that's not where we wanted to go, you had to pay attention.
If not again, you would be lost.
Welp, we were obviously looking lost because a conductor from another train asked where we were going, we told him that we were looking for the D train. He told us to go down this way, turn that way, go around here and you'll be there.
Thank God for that angel....it was late at night and I noticed that oh my goodness it's still a lot of people scurrying around, some slow, some fast, looking like they know where they're going and headed to their destinations but are they?
Some where just sitting there, not doing anything, the majority were on a mission to get someplace but the others, sitting around aimlessly, and kind of hung out, those are the ones that I looked at, prayed for and asked God what are their stories, how did they get here?
So many ways to get to this same place...the bottom.
It's like we were all going to the same place, the bottom. The more we walked down, the hotter it got, and I tell you, I did not like it, I started taking off my layers and I said Jesus, it's too underground and hot down here, I don't like this....this is what Hell has to feel like and worse. My God, as soon as I said it that thing started resonating and becoming more and more imaginable to me.
The blood Jesus.
I began to talk with the other ladies in the group about it too and we were all in agreement.
Lost people in sin or who have turned back to the world are at some point vying to come back to the top, to get out, up to the light and breathe some fresh air. Not caring who you run into and knock down. Just trying to find their way and asking along the way is this how I get out? Is this how I get free again?
Somebody help me please. #frantic #panic
Thank God, that we had someone to notice that we looked lost and couldn't find our way; and gave us good directions to where we needed to go.
I pray that others that are lost and can't find their way get out too. I pray as sisters that we are able to identify others that look lost, that look like they need help out but don't know how to seek it and we are there to help them.
Some one did it for us.
It's a dark place the bottom is, (SIN IS) many spend hours, days, weeks, months, years, or a lifetime there but there are some that make it out!! We did.
As I was finishing this release the Holy Spirit reminded me of the book Dante's Inferno by John Ciardi, I read it in grammar school, but I remembered it because it talked about the levels of Hell so I looked it up and I"m like wow God, that thing is so real. I get it.
Here is a very brief synopsis via Google:
Inferno opens on the
evening of Good Friday in the year 1300. Traveling
through a dark wood, Dante Alighieri has lost his path and now wanders
fearfully through the forest. The sun shines down on a mountain
above him, and he attempts to climb up to it but finds his way blocked
by three beasts—a leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf. Frightened and
helpless, Dante returns to the dark wood. Here he encounters the
ghost of Virgil, the great Roman poet, who has come to guide Dante
back to his path, to the top of the mountain. Virgil says that their
path will take them through Hell and that they will eventually reach
Heaven, where Dante’s beloved Beatrice awaits. He adds that it was
Beatrice, along with two other holy women, who, seeing Dante lost
in the wood, sent Virgil to guide him.
Virgil leads Dante through the gates of Hell, marked by
the haunting inscription “abandon all hope, you who enter here”
See pictures below. Going back to this and reading it really blessed me and put a lot into perspective.
I was like God the deeper you go into sin the deeper you go into Hell, Jesus just see for yourself ladies.
But your our salvation and our way out God!
Be blessed, happy reading and please share
#winning #breakingrecords #2016
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The Levels of Hell |